Sunday, April 7, 2013

April 2013 Newsletter


April, 2013

HAPPY SPRING EVERYBODY! Everything is blooming and our area is looking beautiful! The lights are on at the entrance to our Common Area and our landscaping is very nice.

Orange County has designated April as “Litter Free Orange County”. We would ask our residents to be especially careful to keep our area litter free. Along with other trash, shopping carts are a problem. If anyone does borrow one from a store please return it!

For stray dog issues you may call 411.

Our guests this month will be representatives of Veolia Trash Collection. If you have questions regarding trash collection in the neighbohood be sure to attend the meeting.

The website has been updated with new content and organization. Please send any suggestions for the website to

Our next meeting will be Thursday, April 11 at the Pine Hills Community Center, 6508 Jennings Road off Powers Drive. Hope to see you there. Come and support our community!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

March 2013 Newsletter


March, 2013

Our guests at the next FPCA meeting will be Lt. Jim Deleu from the Sheriff’s office and a representative from code enforcement. They will discuss concerns regarding safety and crime issues in our area. We have recently had stolen cars reported and there have been continuing parties with loud music disturbing some neighborhoods.

This will be an important meeting so please make every effort to attend!

Our new lawn maintenance service is SON SUN OF A GUNN. We are excited about having a fresh look and a beautiful Common Area as spring arrives! As usual we would remind you to keep that area free from litter. We want to make our neighborhood welcoming and beautiful.

Be sure to check out our website at Thanks again to Chris for maintaining this site!

Thanks also to those who deliver the Newsletter. It’s a big commitment and we appreciate it!

Our next meeting is Thursday, March 14 at 7:00 p.m. at the Pine Hills Community Center, 6508 Jennings Road off Powers Drive. Hope to see you all there!!!

February 2013 Newsletter


February, 2013

We are still working on the hiring of a landscaper for our Common Area. Also, the lights at the front entrance are still not on…hopefully soon!

We have received complaints about the trash that is left by students waiting for the bus. Please parents, encourage your children to be courteous and take pride in the community. It is a benefit to everyone!

The sign with our website posted on the trees at our entrance was unfortunately taken down by code enforcement.

Hope to see you at our next meeting on Valentine’s Day, February 14 at 7:00 p.m. at the Pine Hills Community Center, 6508 Jennings Road off Powers Drive!

January 2013 Newsletter


January, 2013

Happy New Year everybody! We hope it’s good for all in Forrest Park!

We had a wonderful holiday dinner at the Wild Rice Restaurant last month. The food and service were great and we had a private room. Be sure to put it on your calendar for next year if you missed it!

We are in the process of interviewing for a new landscaping company to care for our Common Area. Hopefully it will improve soon so when spring comes our entrance will be beautiful. Also please notice the sign posted on the trees in that area with our website address.

Correction: In order to be included in the Forrest Park Directory please send your name, address, and phone to (the address listed last month was incorrect) or call Chris at 407-896-6800. Don’t be left out!

As usual we encourage you to keep your doors and windows locked and to watch out for anything unusual in the neighborhood. You are the best connection to law enforcement if you see and report suspicious activity.

Try to attend the next meeting of FPCA on Thursday, January 10 at 7:00 p.m. at the Pine Hills Community Center, 6508 Jennings Road off Powers Drive. Come and start the New Year right by getting acquainted!

December 2012 Newsletter


December, 2012

Thanks to Max Mittlehammer for volunteering to take the Newsletter to print and distribute to the Street Representatives! We will once again be receiving copies so those who don’t have email will stay informed.

FORREST PARK DIRECTORY NEEDS YOUR INFORMATION! Please send your name, address, and phone number to or call Chris at 407-896-6800. DON’T BE LEFT OUT!

Our Common Area is becoming dormant for the winter but with the retaining of a new landscaping company it should be looking good again in the spring. Meanwhile if anyone wants to help out feel free to spend a little time cleaning up leaves etc.!

Our monthly meeting will be our annual Holiday gathering! It’s always a great time to get to know our neighbors in a fun setting.

Thursday, December 13, at 7:00 instead of our regular monthly meeting we will meet at the Wild Rice Restaurant at 843 Lee Rd. (near Adanson…407-622-8003) for a great meal and exchange of White Elephant gifts. Don’t buy anything….just find something around the house that you can swap for fun. COME AND HAVE A WONDERFUL EVENING!

November 2012 Newsletter


November, 2012

If Forrest Park residents are able to find out email addresses of neighbors for us we would appreciate it!

Since the Newsletter will now be emailed or posted on our website at we have no way of communicating if we do not have that information.

Many thanks to Mike Kropowensky for his wonderful service as President of the FPCA! He spent many hours working on projects that have greatly benefited our community!

Congratulations to Garey Smith who is our new President! His wife, Stephanie, will be our Recording Secretary. Thanks to both!!

Our next meeting will be Thursday, November 8 at 7:00 p.m. at the Pine Hills Community Center, 6508 Jennings Rd. off Powers Drive.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


October, 2012

The Newsletter will now be posted on line at If you know of neighbors who would like to receive notification of newsletters and other neighborhood notices via email please send their email address to

Thanks to the hard work of the Street Representatives for faithfully delivering the Newsletters! They are Andrise Boisrond, Andre Poitier, Mike Kropowenski, Lynn Ahola, Sharon Waldrop, Max Mittlehammer, Wynetta Norton, Carla Washington, Roodal Persaud, Bridge Rooplal, Diana Jones, Yvonne Love, Sheila Reavis, Chris Jones, Lou Alexander and Garey Smith. They will still be responsible for the neighborhood watch. Again, we thank you!

Some of the recent robberies in our neighborhood have been due to unlocked windows and doors. That’s easy to fix….lock up!

The next meeting of the FPCA is Thursday, October 11 at 7:00 p.m. at the Pine Hills Community Center, 6508 Jennings Road off Powers Drive. Please stay involved!