Wednesday, April 3, 2013

January 2013 Newsletter


January, 2013

Happy New Year everybody! We hope it’s good for all in Forrest Park!

We had a wonderful holiday dinner at the Wild Rice Restaurant last month. The food and service were great and we had a private room. Be sure to put it on your calendar for next year if you missed it!

We are in the process of interviewing for a new landscaping company to care for our Common Area. Hopefully it will improve soon so when spring comes our entrance will be beautiful. Also please notice the sign posted on the trees in that area with our website address.

Correction: In order to be included in the Forrest Park Directory please send your name, address, and phone to (the address listed last month was incorrect) or call Chris at 407-896-6800. Don’t be left out!

As usual we encourage you to keep your doors and windows locked and to watch out for anything unusual in the neighborhood. You are the best connection to law enforcement if you see and report suspicious activity.

Try to attend the next meeting of FPCA on Thursday, January 10 at 7:00 p.m. at the Pine Hills Community Center, 6508 Jennings Road off Powers Drive. Come and start the New Year right by getting acquainted!

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