Wednesday, October 10, 2012


October, 2012

The Newsletter will now be posted on line at If you know of neighbors who would like to receive notification of newsletters and other neighborhood notices via email please send their email address to

Thanks to the hard work of the Street Representatives for faithfully delivering the Newsletters! They are Andrise Boisrond, Andre Poitier, Mike Kropowenski, Lynn Ahola, Sharon Waldrop, Max Mittlehammer, Wynetta Norton, Carla Washington, Roodal Persaud, Bridge Rooplal, Diana Jones, Yvonne Love, Sheila Reavis, Chris Jones, Lou Alexander and Garey Smith. They will still be responsible for the neighborhood watch. Again, we thank you!

Some of the recent robberies in our neighborhood have been due to unlocked windows and doors. That’s easy to fix….lock up!

The next meeting of the FPCA is Thursday, October 11 at 7:00 p.m. at the Pine Hills Community Center, 6508 Jennings Road off Powers Drive. Please stay involved!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Yard of the Month - October 2012

Merna Anthony
5632 Valley Oak Rd.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


September, 2012

We hope everybody in Forrest Park had a great and safe summer!

We are in need of someone to help with the Newsletter. It needs to be taken to Office Depot to be printed, put in packets, and the names of street representatives attached. If no one volunteers this will be the FINAL NEWSLETTER printed. It will be emailed and posted on our website at If you can volunteer or would like to provide your email address contact or Nancy at 407-295-4785.

We also need a Street Representative for N. Greenfield Avenue. Use the same contact information listed above if you are able to help.

Fall is coming and our Common Area still looks good. It is a beautiful welcome to our community. Please continue keeping it clean!

Our next meeting is Thursday, September 13 at 7:00 at the Pine Hills Community Center, 6508 Jennings Road off Powers Drive. Hope to see you there!

 JUNE, 2012

Our guest speaker for the June FPCA meeting is Nick Francisco of Blodgett Gardens & Nursery. He will speak on drought tolerant plants as well as other topics of interest to our area. He is celebrating his 75th year in business!


NEEDED: Someone to take the Newsletter to Office Depot each month, have it printed, and put into packets. The Association will pay for it. It will not take much time but will be a real contribution. If lots of people do a little a LOT will get done! Contact Nancy at or 407-295-4785 for more information.

A huge THANK YOU to Lou Alexander for many years of service to FPCA! Lou is stepping down from her responsibility as a Street Representative so we will need someone to deliver the Newsletters on Greenfield. Please use the contact information above to volunteer. Lou, you are great and we appreciate you!

Our Common Area is in full bloom for the summer. As usual we ask you not to litter. Keep Forrest Park beautiful and welcoming!

If you notice a vacant house with broken windows or open doors call 311 to have it secured.

Our next meeting is Thursday, June 14 at the Pine Hills Community Center, 6508 Jennings Road off Powers Drive. Please come!!

May, 2012

Forrest Park now has a website! Many thanks to Chris Reavis who has designed it for us! Please check it out frequently to keep up with news in our area. You will find it at FORRESTPARK.BLOGSPOT.COM.

Our guest speaker this month will be Tim Haberkamp of Hardee’s on Silver Star. He will represent the Pine Hills Task Force and will bring an update on the Pine Hills Development plans and the village concept.

We have had reports of barking dogs in our neighborhood. This can be extremely annoying, especially at night. We ask that pet owners be courteous and bring their dogs inside so they are not a disturbance. If the problem persists call 311 for Orange County Animal Services and report the problem.

Trash is often carelessly tossed into our Common Area, or just blown the by the wind. If you are a walker, or perhaps have ridden the bus and are walking past, we would appreciate it if you would help out by picking it up and tossing into the can that is provided. We want our entrance to be beautiful!

Our next meeting will be Thursday, May 10 at the Pine Hills Community Center, 6508 Jennings Road off Powers Drive. Come and join the conversation!

Sunday, April 15, 2012


April, 2012

Happy spring everybody! Please notice how beautiful our Common Area is! New flowers have been planted and are a welcome sight when visitors and residents drive into our entrance!

We regret that Virgil and Barbara Hoover will no longer be serving in the capacity of Street Representatives. They also were responsible for maintaining our trash barrels. Thanks to Garey Smith for taking on the responsibility of Street Representative for Hollow Oak Road. A huge thanks to Virgil and Barbara for all of their service to Forrest Park!

We are asking for community support regarding some issues that have come to our attention.

Please keep basketball goals on the owner's driveway behind the sidewalk of the property. They are a serious traffic hazard. We want kids to enjoy themselves but please be aware of the danger.

Also, Forrest Park is a single family home community and is not an appropriate area for conducting business. Several homes continue to have dual box trucks, container trucks, and dump trucks coming to their property. This is not permitted and if it continues Orange County Code Enforcement will be notified.

Come and join us at our monthly meeting Thursday, April 12, at7:00 p.m. at the Pine Hills Community Center, 6508 Jennings  road off Powers Drive. Let's work to keep our community great!

Yard of the Month - April 2012

Donell and Gerryan Cooper
5521 Westbury Dr.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


March, 2012

The guest speaker at the March meeting of the FPCA will be a representative from Progress Energy. He will provide valuable information on energy saving and will give suggestions on receiving discounts. Many are available with installation of insulation and other home improvements.

Please continue to be watchful of the homes in our neighborhood. If any property has been destroyed or tampered with, call 311. Also, parents... be a role model to your children and show them the importance of courtesy and respect for the belongings of others. Our community will be a better place for all of us if we will observe basic rules of courtesy.

If possible please pick up trash as you are walking... especially near our Common Area. The receptacles are placed strategically in order to keep our neighborhood clean.

Dogs are not permitted to run loose. Call 311 and ask for Orange County Animal Services.

Our next meeting is Thursday, March 8th at the Pine Hills Community Center, 6508 Jennings Road off Powers Drive. Come and hear important information and meet your neighbors!
Yard of the Month - February 2012

Gregory & Carla Washington
5514 Oakfield St.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


February, 2012

Our guest speakers this month will be deputies from the Orange County Sheriff's Department. There are eissues that are of concern to all of us. They will be happy to address all questions and concerns.

 The Yard of the Month for January was presented to Robert and Emily Hayles, 2712 S. Castle Oak Avenue. Congratulations!

A vehicle ran into the landscaping at the front of our Common Area. You may have noticed the damage incurred. We are working on making it beautiful again.

Please don't litter! If you are a walker and are able to pick up trash as you go and put it in our conveniently-placed cans, that would be a great service!

The next meeting will be Thursday, February 9, at 7:00 p.m. at the Pine Hills Community Center located at 6508 Jennings Road off Powers Drive. See you there!!