Thursday, September 13, 2012


 JUNE, 2012

Our guest speaker for the June FPCA meeting is Nick Francisco of Blodgett Gardens & Nursery. He will speak on drought tolerant plants as well as other topics of interest to our area. He is celebrating his 75th year in business!


NEEDED: Someone to take the Newsletter to Office Depot each month, have it printed, and put into packets. The Association will pay for it. It will not take much time but will be a real contribution. If lots of people do a little a LOT will get done! Contact Nancy at or 407-295-4785 for more information.

A huge THANK YOU to Lou Alexander for many years of service to FPCA! Lou is stepping down from her responsibility as a Street Representative so we will need someone to deliver the Newsletters on Greenfield. Please use the contact information above to volunteer. Lou, you are great and we appreciate you!

Our Common Area is in full bloom for the summer. As usual we ask you not to litter. Keep Forrest Park beautiful and welcoming!

If you notice a vacant house with broken windows or open doors call 311 to have it secured.

Our next meeting is Thursday, June 14 at the Pine Hills Community Center, 6508 Jennings Road off Powers Drive. Please come!!

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