Thursday, September 13, 2012


May, 2012

Forrest Park now has a website! Many thanks to Chris Reavis who has designed it for us! Please check it out frequently to keep up with news in our area. You will find it at FORRESTPARK.BLOGSPOT.COM.

Our guest speaker this month will be Tim Haberkamp of Hardee’s on Silver Star. He will represent the Pine Hills Task Force and will bring an update on the Pine Hills Development plans and the village concept.

We have had reports of barking dogs in our neighborhood. This can be extremely annoying, especially at night. We ask that pet owners be courteous and bring their dogs inside so they are not a disturbance. If the problem persists call 311 for Orange County Animal Services and report the problem.

Trash is often carelessly tossed into our Common Area, or just blown the by the wind. If you are a walker, or perhaps have ridden the bus and are walking past, we would appreciate it if you would help out by picking it up and tossing into the can that is provided. We want our entrance to be beautiful!

Our next meeting will be Thursday, May 10 at the Pine Hills Community Center, 6508 Jennings Road off Powers Drive. Come and join the conversation!

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